How to programmatically filter model objects, in a Tekla model, by Part Position? (Tekla API)
Exploring Tekla's ByCoordinateSystems method (Tekla Open API)
(i.e. the Tekla API method)? AlignCoordinateSystem
(the AutoCAD .net API method)? What are they? What do they mean?
Blue Ocean Strategy
The following is what I take out of the book. It is not an exhaustive summary. I add my own ideas where relevant. I have also excluded Tek1 as a case study.
How to programmatically Submit a Form with Multiple Buttons
Imagine you had a HTML form with multiple “submit” buttons, and you wanted to programatically submit via a certain button:
Deploy often and early
WASM used in Ruby on Rails - c#
The discussion below says it all:
What does 'extend self' mean in Ruby?
I came across the following in Pagy’s code base:
Simplification without loss - examples from the Pagy Library
Simple is best, especially if you get benefit, without loss: