The Worst Way to do Marketing - Poorly Written Ads

There is a way to do marketing. And there isn’t:


Will you give us a steel detailing or precast job?

An email blast + a poorly worded ad given without any proof of its assertions.

Pure spam. Google ads are even worse - because they are poorly targeted AND expensive.

Marketing must be a part of an overall funnel strategy:

The stars must align for a successful order:

  • Clients must know you exist, and
  • be assured of your capability. i.e. clients must be able to verify your claims.
  • The client (and yourself) must have a need. That need might not arise immediately.
  • They must ask you to quote. The price must be right.

A better way…

  • Newsletter: provide USEFUL information and insights to clients
  • Which benefit your clients.
  • This is “content-marketing”
  • Make this newsletter free. Create a low barrier of entry.
  • Incentivise the clients to WANT to read your newsletter.
  • When need arises: who do you think they will call?
  • Given they have seen your work / insights / expertise - they will be much more assured that you are capable.

And then the ancillary benefits:

  • High ranking on google. Because:
  • content marketing is permanent and hard to replicate. i.e. it is a small moat.
  • Staff who create good content will have their own personal brands.
  • The material can be used for training and documentation purposes.

My Contention - Ads must be beneficial and/or entertaining

  • Do not do email blasts which essentially say: “I am a XYZ give me a job”.
  • e.g. A flower provides bees with nectar in order to induce them to provide pollination services.
  • Give clients useful information via a newsletter, and your ad will be a small adjunct to that.
Written on September 10, 2024