Debugging Tekla API Plugins Without Restarting Tekla
The 7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy
This is my own summary, notes, thoughts on the book - I have added what I thought was important and elided other things, because I didn’t need to note it down. If you are interested in reading the original source - do yourself a favour and purchase it: it’s just $12 on Amazon Australia - or search for “7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy” by Hamilton Helmer and get it an any bookstore. It is a reasonable cost, to help you determine/understand where you are going to devote years of your life. Why sink it in unprofiable ventures?
Implicit Contexts in Ruby
In order to properly understand this article you will need to understand:
Local Variables in Ruby
Pop Quiz: Consider the code below, and ask: where is the variable ‘greeting’ defined?
What does 'sender' / 'receiver' / 'message' mean in Ruby?
Consider the following:
What does "self" mean in Ruby?
Experiments with self
Port Forwarding On Ubuntu Using iptables
If you need to forward TCP packets then you can do so using iptables
- which is a firewall installed in Unbutu.
The Moral Hazard Problem
What is the root of all evil in business, construction and finance?
The Delay Problem in the Building and Construction Industry
Q: How does a project get delayed by 1 year?