Senders, Receivers and Messages Explained
City Facts Kata (OOP)
How to answer interview questions?
Pi Calculator Kata (OOP)
Tekla Plugin – Showing Assembly (Tekla Open API)
I’ve created another Tekla plug in – here it is. And I’m calling it using a macro.
Where did my Interop assemblies go? (AutoCAD .net API)
How to reference your AutoCAD COM interop assemblies?
My First Revit Plug-in – Debugging the Walkthrough c# (Revit API)
With software, the hardest part is getting to the bit where you can say “HELLLO WORLD BABEY”. Because once you are there, then the rest is downhill.
New Blog Series (Tekla Open API C#)
How to create a contour plate? ( c# - Tekla Open API Tutorial)
Ok, time for the first hello world post