Tekla Plugin – Showing Assembly (Tekla Open API)

I’ve created another Tekla plug in – here it is. And I’m calling it using a macro.

What does this plug in do?

Basically it display an assembly in the model, from a given assembly drawing. Does that make sense? Well if not let’s elaborate:

The Problem:

I’m sure you’ll be having similar issues. So I’m working in Tekla. I’m busting my brains on this model that we’re working on, the boss is on my back like a monkey, and to add to all of that, I’m looking at an assembly drawing, but I have no idea how the actual drawing looks in real life. Can you make any sense of this?


I guess not. What you want to see is the assembly in the model space. Well prior to my plug in, there’s a lot of rigormorale in finally getting to and seeing the drawing. Now you just run the macro and BOOM you can see exactly what that assembly drawing is referring to. In this case it’s referring to this lovely assembly in the model.


Ahh the glorious power of knowing .net and the Tekla API. Makes life a lot easier. But the hard part is learning programming, .net, Tekla and the Tekla API.

The Code

Here it is:

Written on March 25, 2017