Rails Encrypted Secrets 5.2 - Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet for myself to refer to it, when required. It may benefit you as well. HTH.
Rails, Tekla Open API, AutoDesk .NET
A cheat sheet for myself to refer to it, when required. It may benefit you as well. HTH.
Ok this nearly killed me:
My personal cliff notes in getting this up and running ASAP (without worrying about AJAX or server-side processing). That come come later. I suppose it’s a problem that you want to have.
I wanted to create a mock file system, rather than a real set up. It’s a lot easier. Plus you can easily stub for certain specific situations you want to test for.
A code snippet to show you how to get at some common path / directories. I tend to use the methods of combining, because occassionally, AutoCAD’s current drawing path is not it’s current drawing path (when for example you use the Database.Filename property of the .net API) - but instead, what is returned is a path deep in the bowels of Window’s temp directory comes up. And that’s obviously the wrong value. So a hack I tend to use is to combine the drawing name (excluding the path) and the directory of where the drawing currently resides, and to combine the two using a System.IO.Paths.Combine(...)
method (you’ll have to pass in the appropriate parameters of course) to come to the desired answer.
Key points/notes on how I did it:
The jargon is sometimes confusing for me. So here is a cheat sheet to refer to if you forget: