Getting started with Sequel in Rails

I suppose one of the reasons why sequel in rail isn’t as popular as Active Record is that, that ORM decision is made for you out of the box with rails. I suppose, in the end, it doesn’t matter too much. BaseCamp seems to be doing just fine with ActiveRecord, and is immensely profitable, given its costs and scale, as are many other organisations using it. But if you want to push the boundaries of performance, then perhaps you can try Sequel. I would even bodly venture to say, if all the hype regarding Sequel is genuine and to be believed, and if a magical wand could be waved, it would replace ActiveRecord.

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Railscasts by Ryan Bates - My Notes

I hope to go through one of these videos everyday, so I am aware of the tools that are out there in the Rails World. A very very brief synopsis will be provided. I make no claims as to the accuracy of what is contained here, nor its completeness. They are merely personal notes which happen to be published. Let’s see how long we can keep this up for!

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