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# Pagy 💚 the leaping gem!

# 💚 Version 10

# A complete redesign of the legacy code.

  • New Keynav Pagination
    • The pagy-exclusive technique using keyset pagination alongside all frontend helpers.
  • Method Autoloading
    • Methods are autoloaded only if used, unused methods consume no memory.
  • Intelligent automation
  • Simplified user interaction
    • You solely need the pagy method and the @pagy instance, to paginate any collection, and use any navigation tag and helper.
  • Self-explaining API
    • Explicit and unambiguous renaming reduces the need to consult the documentation.
  • New and simpler documentation
    • Very concise, straightforward, easy to navigate and understand.
  • Effortless overriding
    • The new methods have narrower scopes and can be overridden without deep knowledge.

See the CHANGELOG for breaking changes

# 💚 v3 was already quite good...

# 💚 Now it's more... with less

  • Compatible with all environments and collection types
  • It can use OFFSET, COUNTLESS, KEYSET, KEYNAV, CALENDAR pagination techniques
  • It supports server-side rendering or faster client-side rendering for popular CSS frameworks and APIs.
  • It autoloads ONLY the methods that you actually use, with almost zero config
  • It boasts 100% test coverage for Ruby, HTML, and JavaScript end-to-end (E2E)

# 💚 Examples

# Pagination code
# Include pagy in your code (usually application_controller.rb)
include Pagy::Method

# Offset-based pagination
@pagy, @records = pagy(:offset, Product.all)

# Keyset-based pagination (fastest technique)
@pagy, @records = pagy(:keyset, Product.order(my_order).all)

# Paginate your collection with one of several paginators
@pagy, @records = pagy(...)

See all the available paginators

# JSON:API pagination
# JSON:API nested query string. E.g.: ?page[number]=2&page[size]=100
@pagy, @records = pagy(:offset, Product.all, jsonapi: true)
@pagy, @records = pagy(:keyset, Product.order(my_order).all, jsonapi: true)
render json: { links: @pagy.links_hash, data: @records }
# JSON-client pagination
render json: { pagy: @pagy.data_hash, data: @records }
# Search server pagination
# Extend your models (e.g. application_record.rb)
extend Pagy::Search

# Paginate with pagy:
search           = Product.pagy_search(params[:q])
@pagy, @response = pagy(:elasticsearch_rails, search)
@pagy, @results  = pagy(:meilisearch, search)
@pagy, @results  = pagy(:searchkick, search)

# Or get pagy from paginated results:
@results =[:q])
@pagy    = pagy(:elasticsearch_rails, @results)
@pagy    = pagy(:meilisearch, @results)
@pagy    = pagy(:searchkick, @results)
# Server side rendering
<!-- Render nav bar helpers with different styles -->
<%== @pagy.nav_tag %> <!-- default style -->
<%== @pagy.nav_tag(:bootstrap) %>
<%== @pagy.nav_tag(:bulma) %>
# Client side rendering
# pagy.rb initializer
javascript_dir = Rails.root.join('app/javascript')
Pagy.sync_javascript(javascript_dir, 'pagy.mjs') if Rails.env.development?
<!-- Render client side nav bar helpers of different types and styles -->
<%== @pagy.nav_js_tag %> <!-- default style -->
<%== @pagy.nav_js_tag(:bootstrap) %>
<%== @pagy.nav_js_tag(:bulma) %>

<%== @pagy.combo_nav_js_tag %> <!-- default style -->
<%== @pagy.combo_nav_js_tag(:bootstrap) %>
<%== @pagy.combo_nav_js_tag(:bulma) %>
# View helpers

Pagy offers a variety of view helpers for pagination. Below is a list of available UI components, along with their previews ( Bootstrap styling example).

# 💚 Support and Docs

# Top 💯 Contributors

# 💚 Credits

Many thanks to:

  • Ben Koshy for his contributions to the documentation, user support and interaction with external frameworks
  • JetBrains for their free OpenSource license project
  • The Stargazers for showing their support

# 💚 Repository Info

How to contribute

See Contributing

  • The master branch is the latest rubygem-published release. It also contains docs and comment changes that don't affect the published code. It is never force-pushed.
  • The dev branch is the development branch with the new code that will be merged in the next release. It could be force-pushed.
  • Expect any other branch to be internal, experimental, force-pushed, rebased and/or deleted even without merging.

# 💚 License