Scope Reduction
The Importance of Documentation in Legal Disputes
Hidden Costs and Time Delays in Construction Projects
In an ideal world construction projects would be built: on time, within budget, and without unexpected events. Never happens. Why? Three reasons: (#1) mistakes and incompetence, (#2) poor coordination (and communication), and (#3) unexpected events.
Cancancan or Pundit?
I’ve always been in two minds about pundit
and cancancan
as authorization libraries. Ryan Bates championed the latter, which probably has a lot to do with its success. However, after using both, my conclusions are more fully formed: for simple use cases: both cancancan and pundit work equally well. But, for complex use cases, pundit
’s better.
Installing an Elm App - Ruby on Rails via esbuild
Webpacker is out, esbuild is in
The Invisible Hand - The Greatest Incentive System Ever Devised
We’re going to outline:
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss (with Tahl Raz)
It’s a book about negotiation, written by a former hostage negotiator: Mr Chris Voss.
How to Easily Capture Variation Work Across All your Projects
The company I work for, Tek1, undertook to do the steel work drawings for a sizable project: the West Coast Eagles Stadium. Huge variations were pending.
Pagination - What is it? Why use it?
The following post assumes a basic understanding of server-side programming.