Invoking the AWS VPN Client from the Command Line

AWS have released a VPN client that runs on Linux: finally! (They’ve caught on that a significant proportion of their user base uses linux distros rather than windows).

This works fine if you’re using GNOME - the program is ready to be run.

But if you’re using i3, then how are you to invoke the program?

Can’t find it in dmenu? No problem: fortunately, you can add it manually:

cd /usr/bin

ln -s /opt/awsvpnclient/AWS\ VPN\ Client awsvpnclient

A symlink is all that is necessary to add it to your system path - which will be picked up by dmenu.

$mod+D awsvpnclient

Or in your case, you want to press the windows and the d key at the same time.

And now you’re off to the races!

Written on August 25, 2023