Debugging Javascript

Debugging Javascript is a skill.

Notes for the Debugging Lecture

Key Tenets:

  1. Reproduce the bug. If you can’t reproduce, how will you know if you fixed it? It needs to be deterministic.

    Write a test to reproduce the bug.

  2. Change on thing at one time.
  3. Narrow down the bug


For the full Console API .

1. The Context

let x = 10
let y = 20

//> 10

// But what does the 10 mean? 
// you need context:
console.log(`x is ${x}`)

// But that is painful!
// Try this instead:

console.log({x, y})
// > Object { x: 10, y: 20 }
// So much better!

2. Styling

// styling is in the second parameter
console.log("%c Hello world", 'background-color: turquoise; color: yellow; padding: 10px')


let table = [ {firstName:"Peter", lastName:"Simon", age:25, occupation: "Fishing"},
  {firstName:"Matthew", lastName:"Levi", age:41, occupation: "ATO Officia"},
  {firstName:"Mary", lastName:"Madgelene", age:41, occupation: "N/A"},
  {firstName:"Judas", lastName:"Iscariot", age:36, occupation: "RBA Governor"},
  {firstName:"Simon", lastName:"Zealot", age:21, occupation: "Social Justice Actist, Social Media Revolutionary"}


3. Assert

const errorMsg = 'the # is not even';
for (let number = 2; number <= 5; number += 1) {
    console.log(`the # is ${number}`);
    console.assert(number % 2 === 0, {number: number, errorMsg: errorMsg});
    // or, using ES2015 object property shorthand:
    // console.assert(number % 2 === 0, {number, errorMsg});
// output:
// the # is 2
// the # is 3
// Assertion failed: {number: 3, errorMsg: "the # is not even"}
// the # is 4
// the # is 5
// Assertion failed: {number: 5, errorMsg: "the # is not even"}

4. group and groupCollapsed

console.log("This is the outer level");;
console.log("Level 2");;
console.log("Level 3");
console.warn("More of level 3");
console.log("Back to level 2");
console.log("Back to the outer level");

5. $_ and $$

Much like a jquery selector, to get dom nodes:

let line_item = $("#line_item_1")

$0  // > gets line_item  - the most recently called query

$$(".line_item") //> gets all line items in an array

6. trace

function foo() {
  function bar() {


7. console.dir(dom_node)

Returns dom node tree, instead of mark-up, as with console.log


Dev tools

Consider the following types of break points:

Type Description (when it breaks)
Line-of-code On the line specified
Conditional line-of-code On the line specified + a condition
DOM On the code where a DOM node is changed/removed - or its children
XHR When XHR URL contains a string pattern.
Event listener On code that runs after an event, e.g. when click event is fired.
Exception On the line of code that is throwing a caught or uncaught exception.
Function When a specific function is called.

1. debugger keyword

Add to code:

// some code

Step over, step into etc, resume - and something new: “black bax script” –> this allows you to essentially skip over entire code bases, while stepping through, that you are confident you don’t want to see.

Instanatly add a break point:

Stops whenever you press:

Cmd + \ or Ctrl + \


  • Save code in Chrome.

Live Expressions

  • You get a live javascript console, wherever you want to break, to test out ideas.

Local Overrides

  • e.g. save your styles on your local disk, modify them, and apply them to a website.


Much like an override. Except when you make a change, those changes persist to your local disk.

Proxy Overides


  • Check out a Lighthouse audit.


Debugging is probably the easiest with an IDE - like Visual Studio Code.

Written on July 24, 2022