Ransack - How to Preserve Drop Down Menus After A Ransack Search

I happen to be running a search on ransack. I am utilising drop down menus in the search. In my particular case, we want to be searching for line items (a particular type of model, which have different types of states). I am using the AASM state machine gem to acheive this particular goal.

The question is how to retain the search conditions, after you’ve submitted them. This is done using the f.collection_select helper method.

<%= search_form_for @q, url: search_line_items_path,  html: { method: :get } do |f| %>
  <table class="table thead-dark table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-responsive" summary="Search Fields" >
    <tr >
      <th >
        <h3 align="center" valign="middle">Search Fields</h3>
          <%= f.label :quote_aasm_state_eq, 'Quote State is:' %>
          <%= f.collection_select :quote_aasm_state_eq, Quote.aasm.states, :name, :name  %>
          <%= f.label :issue_state_eq, 'Issue State is:' %>
          <%= f.collection_select :issue_state_eq, LineItem.aasm(:issue_state).states, :name, :name %>
          <%= f.label :invoice_state_eq, 'Invoice state is:' %>
          <%= f.collection_select :invoice_state_eq, LineItem.aasm(:invoice_state).states, :name, :name %>
        <td> <%= f.submit %>
  <% end %>

I will also add in the controller actions:

class LineItemsController < ApplicationController
  include Pagy::Backend

  def search
    render :index

  def index
    @q = LineItem.ransack(params[:q])
    if current_user.admin?
      @pagy, @line_items = pagy(@q.result(distinct: true).order("quote_id DESC"))
      @pagy, @line_items = pagy(@q.result(distinct: true).order("quote_id DESC"))

The key point to note is the use of the f.collection_select helper method. This obviates the need to pass in a select option to other types of view helper methods out there: the options_for_select and options_from_collection_for_select helper methods.

Written on September 30, 2019