Using .NET to Automate Order Forms in AutoCAD drawings
Counting Items is difficult.
Ordering parts in precast panel projects is tricky. You need a BOM (Bill of Materials). You need to know what you need and how much. When there are thousands upon thousands of parts – that can be a very tricky endeavour.
Forge Initiatives
AutoDesk have come out with a whole suite of products that they’re touting as the next greatest thing. And for sure it’s great. But for the most part, I think that there is still a need for desktop applications where you can have precise and immediate control of automation processes. It can’t all go to the cloud!
Why should you bother counting inventory?
It all comes down to money. And how much of it you tie up in your inventory. And how quickly you’re gonna use it. Financial liquidity is like blood and oxygen. Without it, no organisation can survive. And you can maximise your liquidity (and profits too) if you manage your inventory well. You should be able to answer these questions:
- How much inventory did you pay for?
- How much inventory is in your shop?
- How much did you use up in your projects?
How to solve inventory problems: Demo Video
We give you accurate numbers about what you’ve ordered. And what you need to order. This is how we come up with a Bill of Materials:
Precast Panel Detailing - Demo - Automatic Order Forms from Tek1 on Vimeo.