The Curious Case of Overkill Not Working (AutoCAD)
A very perplexing question:
Why isn’t overkill working?
The result will stun you.
As you can see in the above picture, the top row of panel voids were doubled and in some cases tripled up. Obviously we don’t want this. Ordinarily, when such drawings are passed on to us we employ the overkill command. But for some reason it wasn’t working. And I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.
That was until our lead Bubble Deck detailer suggested that the insertion points of the block references were not all on the same plane – some of them were in the Z plan – if that’s the case, then overkill would not recognise them as being the same block – and will allow them to continue to co-exist in the same drawing.
Solution: Check that all similar items have similar insertion points. If they’re different – that’s why overkill might not be working for you.