FFaker Gem


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Have any of you heard of the FFaker gem? If you have not, then I suggest you make use if it. Those days of thinking up unique and creative names for every single thing are long gone.

I also highly recommend that you use it in conjunction with FactoryGirl. They go together like chalk in a Cheeseburger.

Example of FFaker in use

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :project do
    name { FFaker::Name.name }
    no { FFaker::Product.model }

You can then do something like this:

   project_just_created = create(:project)

   ## this could return any name. e.g. 
   ## "Haris Pilton" depending on what 
	 ## the gem randomly selects.

Notice how it saves you thinking up random and unique names, especially if you want to create 10 different projects, with different names?

I hope this helps you.

Written on May 11, 2017