What is tunnelling?

Tunnelling – What is it? _config.yml

And no, I’m not referring to how El Chapo escaped.

Refresher: what is bubbling?

In the last post we talked about “bubbling”.

It’s kinda like those instances where you get a parking fine. If you don’t deal with it then, you’ll get another fine. If you don’t deal with it there, you will get a notice from the county court. Still not paying? Soon the police will come knocking – and like with all things – especially lies and drugs, things keep progressing to ever increasing heights of danger and pain and turmoil. Pretty soon you could end up going to jail simply because you didn’t pay a parking fine. But if you dealt with it properly at the time – well there would be no need to spend 2 years in prison for it. (Do you think I am kidding? Guess again. Why oh why wasn’t the “event” dealt with early before it bubbled up to become more serious? An excellent question. I suppose you would have to ask what was going through the mind of the judge.

Tunneling is the exact oppose of bubbling.

Let’s explain with an example: Nebuchadnezzar was once the top dog in all the land. Nobody could so much as breath without obtaining his express written consent. All life, energy and glory started with him. But suppose something happens, suppose someone in the privacy of his own room refused to bow down to the great emperor. What did he do? He issues an event to find the culprit. He has an extensive network of spies. And word travels pretty quickly so this is how they would have found the guilty culprit:

  1. The King asks his Prime minister who did it.
  2. The prime ministers ask State delegates.
  3. The state delegates ask the county delegates
  4. The county people ask local area managers.
  5. The local area managers ask every Tom, Dick and Harry on the street.
  6. And the people on the street finally identify Daniel as the guy who refuses to bow down.

In other words, an event begins at the top and works its way down the hierarchy to the control element responsible for triggering the event.

Now that was simple, wasn’t it?


*El Chapo’s masterful escape. It’s got nothing to really do with tunnelling but it’s a very cool picture I nabbed from the internet *

Written on December 16, 2016